Saturday, June 13, 2009

3:25am on Saturday June 13, 2009

Alright, so I had this CRAZY idea to start a blog....why? I've found myself asking what I should do with all this free time now that school is out. Possible solutions:
1) write a novel
2) sleep
3) get a job
4) make a blog
5) play video games
6) watch TV
7) read more novels
8) try to understand how comic books and anime are so fascinating for some people

After analyzing all these possible solutions for hours on end, I've come to the conclusion, I've done everything on that list except make a blog. So blogging it is. Since I have never blogged before, I did what any average teenager will do, no, not find a nerd (since apparently I am one?), I went to the always handy Google Search Engine. I browsed many blogs, finding that many people are disturbed.....that's another story, I've become bored with the standard, fill in the text and maybe add a picture here and there, blog post. I want to try something new. Maybe this is due to the lack of sleep, or the fact that I'm psychotic, I've come up with the plan to write out my blogs. Crazy? NO, GENIUS!!!! I will write these blogs out on note cards (the handiest things to have around, right next to duck tape) or any other type of paper I find handy, then scan them onto my computer to post it. May be time consuming, but heck, I got 3 months of free time to do this. Since I do not have a scanner for my laptop, I will have to use the one that is hooked up to our "family computer". Which is inconveniently located downstairs where my mother is currently sleeping (note the time, 3:36am). So if were so stupid to go down their at this time of the night, or day, whatever you consider it, I would surely be yelled at, or possibly get something thrown at me. So the handwritten blogs will have to wait until after she wakes up in the morning. Seeing that my hands are starting to hurt, and noticing that I'm starting to babble, I will end my very first blog.

Thanks for reading and have a stripe-filled day!
Mandie Hansen

1 comment:

  1. hahah! mandie. i must say this is a very very clever idea you have. it is genius!
