Monday, August 10, 2009

Why is the Lone Ranger called ''Lone'' if he always has his Indian friend Tonto with him?

Hello all. I figured that I'd put my mind to good use and blog today. I've recently came to discover that my mind wanders a lot (I know, BIG SHOCKER right?), but seriously I daydream from time to time, but mostly I ponder. I've come up with many strange questions, whether they are about the true meaning of life, death, or just random questions that I've always hoped to get answered. So today I figured that I'd list my thoughts/questions and I hope to hear what you all have to say to them.

MANDIE'S THOUGHTS/QUESTIONS (I know, creative title)
1. When does it stop being partly cloudy and start being partly sunny?
2. Are eyebrows considered facial hair?
3. Can you daydream at night?
4. If laughter is the best medicine, who's the idiot who said he "died laughing"?
5. Can a short person "talk down" to a taller person?
6. When lightning strikes the ocean, why don't all the fish die?
7. If London Bridge is standing, why is there a song about it falling down?
8. What does PU stand for? (as in PU that stinks!)
9. If parents say, "Never take candy from strangers", why do we celebrate Halloween?
10. Why do some people yawn in their sleep?
11. Who was Sadie Hawkins?
12. Are children who act in rated "R" movies allowed to see them?
13. Do people in England eat English Muffins, or are they just called Muffins there?
14. Do all-boys schools have girls bathrooms?
15. Why do people say, "heads up" when you should duck?
16. Why does a round pizza come in a square box?
17. Do bald people get dandruff?
18. Why does Pluto live in a dog house and eat dog food, while Goofy, who's also a dog, lives in a condo and drives a car?
19. Why is it that no matter what color bubble bath you use, the bubbles always end up white?
20. Can you cry underwater?
21. Why are all the planets, that we know of in our solar system, spherical?
22. Why does Winnie the Pooh never get stung by the bees he is always messing with?
23. Why is Donkey Kong called Donkey Kong when he's not a donkey?
24. In libraries, do they put the Bible in the fiction or non-fiction section?
25. If nobody buys a ticket to a movie showing, do they still show it?
26. Do movie producers say, "Lights, camera, action!" when it's dark scene of someone sleeping?
27. Does the mail man deliver his own mail?
28. Where do people in Hell tell people to go when they get ticked off at that person?
29. Why can't donuts be square?
30. Why do doctors leave the room when you change? They're going to see you naked anyway.

I'm sure that I'll have more by the next time I post. I hope I get you all thinking.
Thanks for reading!

Mandie Hansen

Friday, July 24, 2009


I know it's been awhile since I've posted. I blame it on my severe laziness. I really haven't done much until this week. For starters I cleaned my room. I seriously think I heard my carpet say, "Thank you" to me when I was vacuuming. I got so sick of my messy room, and I really wanted to paint it. Purple walls with butterfly and flower border, and wrestling posters. What an odd choice of themes. So not my walls have been stripped clean of the posters, pictures, and most of the border. I've been scrapping it off for like 2 days now, and it's still not completely done. I still have to choose paint, which I'm still undecided on since I always have to consider all the possibilities. I really would like to do stripes with different shades of a color like green, blue, or pink. Who knew that choosing how you want your room to look like would be so difficult. I really just want to decorate my room in a way that I'll like it for awhile, at least until I move out (if that ever happens lolz). Besides the whole room decorating thing, my parents have taken a week off of work and they've been wanting to do all kinds of things. My Mom wants to do something with each of us kids, but I really don't feel like doing anything. So far Nate has gone to the zoo with them. Travis wants to go to some car museum, but seeing that the week is almost over and he has to work, I highly doubt that they will be going. My Mom was bugging me to plan somewhere that I want to go, but I really just want to get my room finished. There really isn't anywhere I want to go, I've been to the only museums we have, I have no money to shop, or the patience to spend a day shopping with my Mom, so I figured that we should go get our nails done. Carolyn has been bugging me to try it, so I figure that it could be fun, and everyone knows how much I love my nails, so this could be enjoyable. Other then listening to my Mom plan trips that I know that we're never going to go on, I've just been hanging around the house with Nate, Travis, and the dogs. Travis has been complaining about getting new tile flooring for our hallway, but ultimately I complained enough to my parents that we needed a new computer more then we needed new flooring, so we ended up getting a new computer yesterday. YES! Now we have a nice computer with a large, flat screen monitor. The computer is so freaking fast! So now that we have a new computer down here, I get the old one. DOUBLE YES! So now I can clear all the other programs off the computer and just have my Sims games on there. So pretty much everything is all good.
Thanks for reading!
Mandie Hansen

Friday, July 3, 2009

I'm still here

I do apologize for not posting in awhile, it has been quite a difficult week. So I guess I'll just mention the good things. I finally got to go see my new dentist. She is great, and the office is sooo comfortable, it feels like I'm right at home. So I got my teeth cleaned and all, but that wasn't what made me happy that day. It wasn't my first time at the dentist, but it was my little brothers first time there. I'm so proud of him. He went in there and talked to the people there, and once he was done, he went into the room I was in and held my hand while my teeth were being cleaned. I have the best little brother ever! More good news, I FINALLY cleaned my room. I KNOW!!!! All of you people who claimed that I'd never get it cleaned or that I'd get lost in there and never be found, IN YOUR FACES!!! hahahaha Well I wish I had more to write about, but the rest is more personal, so I'll leave you with all I have wrote.

Thanks for reading,

Amanda Hansen

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Helpful or Harmful, It's What I Need

I do apologize for neglecting my readers, I have yet to post a new blog in many days. I have to admit that I've been enticed by Law and Order Criminal Intent fan fiction. I've also recently found out that you can read most novels online for free! AMAZING!!! All the enjoyment of a good book without the hassle of paper cuts, and trying to obtain the book from your local library or bookstore. I am proud to admit though that I have broke my addiction to the Sims 3. I just haven't felt the need to play. Maybe it's due to the fact that I've been getting 4 hours of sleep at most these past 3 nights, or maybe I'm just starting to grow up.
I figured I'd mention something that was brought up by one of my friends. Yes, I do keep a lot of feelings to myself, and I do put up walls between everyone I know, but it is what I have to do to make it through each day. I don't see any harm in that, if I don't want hurt, I don't get close to people, if I don't want betrayed, I don't trust, if I don't want lied to, I walk away. Simple as that.
Hopefully I'll have something better to write about tomorrow. I'm leaving you with a picture I took on my birthday, I love the stripes and polka-dots!
Thanks for reading.
Amanda Hansen

Monday, June 22, 2009


So I've been having the worst time with sleeping over the past 3 days, not a single night where I got more then 3 hours, and even then, I still would wake up after 15 min of sleeping then lay in bed for another 25 min just trying to get back to sleep. My eyes are just killing me, it feels like my brain is trying to push my eyeballs out. And to top it all off, my stomach is killing me, feels like the freaking flu. God I hope I get over this soon.

But besides my complaining and tiredness, I really haven't done anything. All I've really accomplished is laying in bed for hours on end, taking advil every few hours and just sulking in my own issues. Really nothing else besides that, hopefully the next blog will be happier and maybe I'll feel better tomorrow.

Last note, anyone have any ideas on what I should put on my blog. Improvements are always a plus, so any tips would really be appreciated.
Thanks for reading.
Mandie Hansen

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Last Blog

Ok since my computer isn't letting me upload my blog onto Blogger, I used Photobucket, which cut off half my blog. SOOO just click the blog and it'll bring you to an enlarged version of it on Photobucket so you can read all of it.
Sorry about that,
Mandie Hansen
blog 2