Friday, July 24, 2009


I know it's been awhile since I've posted. I blame it on my severe laziness. I really haven't done much until this week. For starters I cleaned my room. I seriously think I heard my carpet say, "Thank you" to me when I was vacuuming. I got so sick of my messy room, and I really wanted to paint it. Purple walls with butterfly and flower border, and wrestling posters. What an odd choice of themes. So not my walls have been stripped clean of the posters, pictures, and most of the border. I've been scrapping it off for like 2 days now, and it's still not completely done. I still have to choose paint, which I'm still undecided on since I always have to consider all the possibilities. I really would like to do stripes with different shades of a color like green, blue, or pink. Who knew that choosing how you want your room to look like would be so difficult. I really just want to decorate my room in a way that I'll like it for awhile, at least until I move out (if that ever happens lolz). Besides the whole room decorating thing, my parents have taken a week off of work and they've been wanting to do all kinds of things. My Mom wants to do something with each of us kids, but I really don't feel like doing anything. So far Nate has gone to the zoo with them. Travis wants to go to some car museum, but seeing that the week is almost over and he has to work, I highly doubt that they will be going. My Mom was bugging me to plan somewhere that I want to go, but I really just want to get my room finished. There really isn't anywhere I want to go, I've been to the only museums we have, I have no money to shop, or the patience to spend a day shopping with my Mom, so I figured that we should go get our nails done. Carolyn has been bugging me to try it, so I figure that it could be fun, and everyone knows how much I love my nails, so this could be enjoyable. Other then listening to my Mom plan trips that I know that we're never going to go on, I've just been hanging around the house with Nate, Travis, and the dogs. Travis has been complaining about getting new tile flooring for our hallway, but ultimately I complained enough to my parents that we needed a new computer more then we needed new flooring, so we ended up getting a new computer yesterday. YES! Now we have a nice computer with a large, flat screen monitor. The computer is so freaking fast! So now that we have a new computer down here, I get the old one. DOUBLE YES! So now I can clear all the other programs off the computer and just have my Sims games on there. So pretty much everything is all good.
Thanks for reading!
Mandie Hansen

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